Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What actions might be taken by the government of (one country) to Essay

What actions might be taken by the government of (one country) to reduce and limit price fluctuations of coffee - Essay Example If the price of any product fluctuates highly then the government can limit the fluctuation through minimum and maximum prices, also referred to as price flooring and price ceiling respectively (Dineshbakshi, 2015). The government can set a maximum price which must be below the equilibrium price of coffee in order to be effective and disallow trading above that price level (Dineshbakshi, 2015). As, the price is below the equilibrium it will lead to excess demand and eventually lead to a shortage. In such cases there will also be some consumers who will be willing to buy coffee at a higher price than the price set by the government and this will lead to black markets being created (Dineshbakshi, 2015). The situation cannot be left this way and let the economic situation of the country worsen, thus further actions are required by the government (Dineshbakshi, 2015). Government may take total control of supplying these goods or even producing goods itself (Dineshbakshi, 2015). But the problem may remain as people may not sell all their stock of coffee and black markets may still remain. On the other hand if the government takes control of the production in its hand, it will be accompanied with may management and other technical issues. The government can also help in eliminating this black market and the shortage in the market by supplying coffee from its own stocks (Dineshbakshi, 2015). All these steps by the government will lead to the supply curve shifting rightwards, achieving equilibrium and eliminating shortage (Dineshbakshi, 2015). On the other hand, if the government sets a minimum price which must be above the equilibrium price in order to be effective and ban trading lower than that price level; it may also help in reducing price fluctuations (Dineshbakshi, 2015). As the price is set above the equilibrium price it will lead to higher supply and lower demand leading to a surplus of coffee in the market (Dineshbakshi, 2015). Surplus can also be catered

Monday, October 28, 2019

Guiding Principals of Professional Learning Communities Essay Example for Free

Guiding Principals of Professional Learning Communities Essay Normally, in a professional learning community also known as a PLC, the educators work together brainstorming ideas, lessons, and activities that will support a plan to be implemented all in hopes of the student’s achievement. A professional learning community can benefit a school’s environment by reinforcing teacher morale and leadership skills. As the school moves forward, every professional in the building must engage with colleagues in the ongoing exploration of three crucial questions that drive the work of those within a professional learning community: †¢ What do we want each student to learn? How will we know when each student has learned it? †¢ How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning? The answer to the third question separates learning communities from traditional schools. A PLC can serve as a support system that motivates teachers to follow a guided plan. Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture. This plan can include classroom assistants, parent volunteers, and other school personnel like librarians. The PLC culture can influence teachers through numbers. When teachers come together and have strength in numbers they can support each other, collaborate, and brainstorm the most effective methods and techniques to instruct the students. Even the grandest design eventually translates into hard work. The professional learning community model is a grand design, a powerful new way of working ogether that profoundly affects the practices of schooling. But initiating and sustaining the concept requires hard work. This is where the challenges may arise. It requires the school staff to focus on learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively on matters related to learning, and hold itself accountable for the kind of results that fuel continual improvement. A PLC will construct a solid foundation of committed teachers who are passionate about their career and working with families a nd fellow colleagues. The benefit(s) of a PLC is that everyone has the opportunity to be involved and share goals and positive learning experiences of the schools learning environment. When educators do the hard work necessary to implement these principles, their collective ability to help all students learn will rise. If they fail to demonstrate the discipline to initiate and sustain this work, then their school is unlikely to become more effective, even if those within it claim to be a professional learning community. The rise or fall of the professional learning community concept depends not on the merits of the concept itself, but on the most important element in the improvement of any school; the commitment and persistence of the educators within it. In conclusion, educators who work together form structured atmospheres that promote learning. References Barth, R. (1991). Restructuring schools: Some questions for teachers and principals. Phi Delta Kappan, 73(2), 123-129. Marzano, R. (2003). What works in Schools: Translating research into action, Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Act One of Romeo and Juliet Essay -- English Literature

Act One immediately engages the audience. Do you agree with this statement? How does Shakespeare achieve this? Act One of 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare does indeed immediately engage the audience. Shakespeare does this by using several language techniques to create an interesting opening scene. Shakespeare uses humour, action and romance all in Act One and it is this variation that keeps the audience's attention. The play begins with a prologue that is written in the form of a sonnet. The Prologue gives a summary of the play but does not give away too much of the plot, in order to keep the suspense. Shakespeare tells of the great tragedy that will follow. The sonnet form is used because it is more interesting when performed on stage than simple prose. Shakespeare uses clever language in the Prologue to build suspense. For example, on line four he writes, 'From ancient grudge break new mutiny.' 'Ancient grudge' suggests that the disagreement between the Montague and Capulet families has been going on for a very long time and the mutual hatred between them has grown stronger and stronger. The word 'mutiny' is used to mean a sudden outburst of violence, which suggests there will be an exciting, action-packed scene somewhere in the play. Then, on lines six and seven, Shakespeare writes about the 'misadventured piteous overthrows' of the 'pair of star-crossed lovers'. He uses this to suggest there will be several unfortunate tragic accidents involving Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. Furthermore, on line twelve of the sonnet, Shakespeare writes that the play will be 'the two hours' traffic of our stage', meaning that the play will last two hours which will not be long enough to bore the au... ...says. Then finally, they ask each other if they should kiss. They kiss twice but are then interrupted by the Nurse. It is at this point that the couple find out that they come from different sides of the rift between the two households and the audience realise the problem the two lovers face. Act One does immediately engage the audience due to the variety that it contains. Shakespeare uses humour, in particular sexual innuendo, to great effect. The act full of exciting speeches, especially Mercutio's entertaining explanation of 'Queen Mab'. Also, he uses fight scenes for moments of action. There is also lots of emotion displayed by the characters, like Romeo's depression and love-sickness while pining for Rosaline in the opening scene. Shakespeare creates an intriguing opening act that grabs the audience's attention and keeps it well into the next acts.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

In my everyday life how do I measure success and failure Essay

The aim of this paper is to discuss how to measure success and failure in everyday life. The evaluation of the social concept of success should start with acknowledging that social definition of success varies from culture to culture and even from one social group to another. In other words, every society has its own belief about what social success is. For example, if a person drives a 2007 Jaguar and lives in a nice house, he or she is regarded as successful by society norms. People are trying to move up the social ladder because the society is placing a lot of pressure on them to belong to the highest class possible. Government uses the relationship between social class (lower, middle, and upper) to suggest that society is equally just. Growing up in the city, I could witness stereotypical views of low income families. I could witness people being discriminated because they didn’t have nice suits or dresses, and their vocabulary was not equal to or better than the person they were talking to. Sometimes the idea of social success puts too much pressure on people so they sometimes forget their morals and values. The problem is all they want to do is to reach new social status because that is what society has led them to believe and what society expects of them. My grandfather often cited a southern saying that reads as follows: â€Å"Money is the root of all evil. † Through the years I often wondered if he was correct. Society describes lower class as government assisted or a troublesome group of people. Hanratty and Meditz stated that â€Å"[i]n contrast, the masses were composed of the illiterate and the impoverished who lived on the margin of subsistence and possessed little or no security, skill, or stable employment. † I disagree with Hanratty and Meditz statement: most lower class people do have work-related skills and are literate. In a lower class neighborhood at a local barber shop there are always conversations about how the upper class is destroying the lower class, and why lower class people cannot integrate into the mainstream society. Some would say that their major obstacle on the way to social success is fear or ability to adapt to change. Lower class is aware that they are labeled; however, they are determined to be a driving force in society. The stereotype of a successful family implies that a husband and a wife have an income that allows them to live in a nice neighborhood. Society would classify that family as middle class. Samuelson writes that â€Å"[c]ompounding the stress, the price of entry into the middle class is always rising. The more we can have, the more we must have. Keeping up with the Joneses is the curse of our advances and ambitions† (19). The problem with middle class and the problem of trying to belong there is that the upper class considers itself middle class at times. It forces hard-working middle class people to work harder, often taking on two jobs to maintain their social status. Some upper class people continue to downplay their status as middle class. That would put pressure on truly middle class people to stay (or even move up) in the social status. Expectation of what society requires of the middle class often puts pressure on the middle class to advance. Being born into wealth has been the only way to integrate in the upper class. Today the upper class is comprised of a diverse group of people unlike years before when the rich just had to travel and throw socials. The perception of upper class as seen on television is sometimes different from reality, as the rich have large amounts of money and can abuse their power. The rich are excuse from a lot of mishaps, while the middle and lower class would have not received the same treatment. Domhoff writes that â€Å"[f]rom infancy through young adulthood, members of the upper class receive a distinctive education. This education begins early in life in preschools that frequently are attached to a neighborhood church of high social status. Schooling continues during the elementary years at a local private school called a day school. Higher education will be obtained at one of a small number of heavily endowed private universities. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford head the list, followed by smaller Ivy League schools in the East and a handful of other small private schools in other parts of the country† (24). The upper class continues to work hard on staying on top: they put pressure on themselves and their children to stimulate them to stay in the same social class. What we as society fail to realize is that success comes from within. In every culture there are social problems that result from being in a certain situation. Everybody has their own definition of what success is; definitions of success range from being rich, driving a fancy car, and living in a big house to simply being in good health and having a stress-free life. I have read a lot of articles through the years on what it takes to be successful and I stil.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Language and Logic: Behind the Last Word

There has been a lot of misconception whether the true nature of the language hides behind the context of every letter it has. But since the systematic arrangement of the letters give the essence to what it will mean, the notion of having a naturalistic view wherein we are settled to believe that everything exists as they are is not a god point in defining the social phenomenon that later make it useful. As defined by the writer, those who successfully undergone the challenges that was set by the fast changing environment wherein the substance of the spoken literature and the unheard story of the language emerged as the primary tool of examining the precise condition of certain issue in the society. As we are aware of what is happening around us, it is equally important to visualize the significance of taking some actions in accordance to what we see as fit and right. Moving on from the tradition of generations, the awareness of having these things behind the power of language had settled the misconceptions of breaking the odds that was produced by the conflicting ideas of the members of the community. Because of these, the struggle to fight the increasing prejudice and the social problem arises from the bottom line of the issue. Since then, the power to develop certain criteria and use of the language as a tool of communicating with others had been undermined by some technological advancement which does not promote any metaphysical understanding. It is important that we use the development of our language in developing our relation to the cosmic being. With the use of the language as a powerful tool, we can not only use this as a communicating skill but the ultimate tool in discovering the facts behind the fallacies and the truths behind the fake notion. At any case, those who obtained the pure understanding of how the language works will be able to understand how different language perceived stimuli from sources and attached meaning to it as it try to develop the utmost understanding of the issue. It also provides the venue for rationalization of everything that has been incorporated with such idea in developing behind the context of the situation. Since it has been needed to aspire the success and the continuous growth of a certain language for the achievement of the goals being set by the majority of the society where in effect, the introduction of the new system of communication will lead to a better development of communicational skills. Since what matters most in our daily communication with other people is the meaning attached to every letters and words that came from our mouth, the internal realization of the thoughts that had been made is the primary important point in determining the validity of a statement. Although we do not have an objective basis in pin pointing the deviation of the truth from the lie, but the greater discovery behind that is that, whenever there are sudden outburst of emotion, it is a sudden manifestation of the inner desire where the language capability of the human had been surpassed and the language he or she knows does not offer a venue or even a meaning for the said emotion. In setting this development, we had conquered the primary barrier where people had been fighting for recognition of certain important points but failed to adhere to the basic rule of language sensitivity where all the words that we used has some implications on the social status that we have been gone through. But in the end, the language itself is a complete tool of undermining the meaning imposed by the society itself in conquering the true nature of the real world, where the language has a great effect and no one bothered to listen when you know that there have been more things to be said than to be left unspoken. Provided that all the premises had been satisfied, logically speaking, it can give explanations to many uncertainties in life. By continuously analyzing the causality and the effects of certain situation, logically, we can arrive to a better explanation of the phenomenon that we’ve been going through. Many believed that such idea had falsely equated the truth to the absolute truth and to the ways of finding the truth. The well supported proposition of having a logical manifestation of our daily encounters in life had been sufficiently proven by the facts and the literal explanation he mentioned. He showed that in able to define one’s position in the place where he assumed any position, it will only be put into a realization where the complete arguments and the representation of all the abstract concepts will be materialized. In this sense, all that we can give reasons and prove by any mathematical or logical explanation can be regarded as the truth and branded as the last word. The search for this had tried to invade the human civilization as it occurred in different places across time. But the quick impact and the history left by this notion had made us developed the consciousness of having a more concise and logical views in the society as it shows the true side of the society. Since then, the analysis of the context based on its logical composition will not only yield us in discovering the truth but also finding the way to the truth. For searching the exact definition of the experience he or she encountered, an individual can now freely assess his r her environment as it gives impact to his or her behaviors. In doing so, the subjective part of the human development will help the objective part, which is the logical and other first order knowledge, in discovering the truth behind the life scenic view of every day’s interaction with each other. By looking into the capacity of humans to decode and understand the meaning attached to every symbols he or she is seeing in the society, by extracting the logical element of it and transforming into some useful information that can be used as the front runner of having a established notion for the people to freely assess the developmental change that might occur in the group of people as well. In this case, the logic of dealing and having a more precise view whether it is something that needs the intervention of the cosmic side of the world or stay at least in the radical minds of the people is still important in looking forward into the impact it has in the society and the questions it forged. From the time being of realization and finding the truth behind all the questions and through scientific investigations, we can narrow down our limitations and make us more aware of the external environment that we’ve been going through. In effect, the perspective of the world as a two-dimensional stage will be transformed into an object presented in many dimensions, each dimensions represents a part of it which may be small, but highly essential for it to exist. As we try to rediscover the known knowledge given to us by the generation that came before us, the power of discovering something and merging it as our own is the power that we can have as we go through with the challenges of life. This book by Thomas Nagel had opened many philosophical queries and questions that until now, looks like unfamiliar to most of the people. Many still does not understand the different concepts of looking into the elements of life as Nagel tries to point out. Although we have many cultural background, we are bounded by the universality of the reaction we could made in order to secure the relationship not only with our close group but with the environment we have in our system. Thus, language and logic is the two important tools in dealing with the search for the explanation of the existence and finding the truth hidden behind the context of certain social phenomena. As it is equally important of finding yourselves in the diversified society, this elemental component should be integrated for you to function better.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Misanthrope essays

The Misanthrope essays The Misanthrope was not similar to anything one might expect to see in a modern day theatrical production. The dialogue that was spoken between the actors was hard to understand as an audience member. Moliere's play is done in classic verse format, meaning that the play was done completely in rhyme. An addition obstacle for the actors was the language was not updated to the current mode of speaking. Often times plays that are kept in the original language get complaints form their audiences about the inability to enjoy the play because most of the audience's time was spent trying to figure out what the actors were saying. At the same time, actors must be aware of overdoing their movements and gestures so they don't go down the path of dreaded indication. This production of the Misanthrope was a little lacking in the overall quality of the performance because the majority of the actors were having trouble overcoming the language barrier. The play opens with a conversation between Alceste, played by Geoff Wilson, and Philinte, played by Stan Q. Wash. Alceste shows himself to be very cynical about the motives of people and Philinte shows himself to be very sincere believing that people should be kind to each other even if it meant putting on a false face. We learn this through Alceste and Philinte's comments on a poem written by their friend Oronte, played by Blake Bowen. Alceste thinks it is horrible while Philinte thinks it is wonderful. Philinte also says that Alceste was too blunt and could have softened his criticism. Later, Alceste decides to go see Celimene, played by Kelly Ann Ford, and talk about their relationship. He tells her that she should get rid of the rest of her suitors and she insists that he is her only true lover. The rest of the suitors at Celimene's apartment believe the same as Alceste. As they're talking, Oronte enters with the marshal who tells Alceste to apologize to Oronte about th e comments h...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Centenarian is Probably Not a Centurion

A Centenarian is Probably Not a Centurion A Centenarian is Probably Not a Centurion A Centenarian is Probably Not a Centurion By Maeve Maddox A reader was startled when a television announcer misused the word centurion: Perhaps one of your columns could cover the meanings of â€Å"centurion† and â€Å"centenarian.† A news anchor on KTTC-TV, Rochester, Minn., just announced â€Å"There is a new centurion in Clear Lake, Iowa.† (This â€Å"new centurion† is a woman celebrating her 100th birthday. A centenarian centurion?) I was amused, but assumed that the anchor’s error was unique and that I wouldn’t be able to find enough material to write a post on this misuse. My assumption was that any English speaker who has read a book or watched a movie set in ancient Roman times, or who has a superficial acquaintance with the New Testament knows the historical meaning of centurion. I was wrong. The use of centurion in the place of centenarian is widespread in discussions of longevity on the Web. Here are just three examples: In this article we take lessons from the centurion communities of the world to gain priceless insight into how we too can live the longest. In Okinawa, where the life expectancy is the highest on earth, 803 of 920 centurions who were alive as of September 2011 were women. Daisy McFadden, a longtime resident of New York, will celebrate her 100th birthday this November. Still active, she believes her eating habits have greatly contributed to her longevity, as do most centurions. I found an article in a Canadian publication in which the writer acknowledges that centenarian is the word usually used to describe a person who has reached the age of one hundred, but seems to think that centurion is a better word to describe a centenarian who remains in good health: There are more than 4,600 Canadians now 100 or older. Estimates are that the United States might have a million people 100 or older by 2050. If those estimates are accurate, 43 years from now, many of those Boomers you see every day will be the new centurions, which strikes me as a better way to describe centenarians. Just as 60 is the new 50 today, 100 will be the new 90! Note: Joseph Wambaugh titled one of his novels The New Centurions. As it is about the lives of Los Angeles policemen, I don’t get the connection. Neither did Wambaugh’s British publishers, apparently. In the UK, the book was published as Precinct 45: Los Angeles Police. Centurion and centenarian are among several English words derived from the Latin word for one hundred: centum. In the ancient Roman army, a centurion was the officer in charge of a century, a unit originally comprised of 100 men. In the context of cricket, centurion refers to a player who has scored 100 runs (a century): Surrey teenager Dominic Sibley becomes youngest double centurion in County Championship history Dominic Sibley swapped school books for record books by becoming the youngest batsman in County Championship history to score a double century. This is a valid extension of meaning in a modern context. Using centurion to replace centenarian is unnecessary. Centenarian already exists with the meaning â€Å"a person who has reached the age of one hundred.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in S34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterOne Scissor?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Italian Vocabulary for Fruits and Vegetables

Italian Vocabulary for Fruits and Vegetables Turning the corner off of via Garibaldi,  one sees stands lined up along the edge of the piazza. People with plastic bags, children with balloons, and Asian tourists with umbrellas milled about, stopping at a stand every so often to sample a slice of a peach or inquire about the price of a bundle of spinach. When you visit Italy, it’s likely you’ll run into a similar market,  and if you want a snack or have the option of cooking, you’ll want to stop as they are great places to practice your Italian and  feed yourself. To help you out, here are some key phrases and vocabulary words that you can use when buying fruit and vegetables. Fruit Vegetable Vocabulary Almond - la mandorlaApple - la melaApricot - l’albicoccaArtichoke - il carciofoAsparagus - l’asparagoAvocado - l’avocadoBasil - il basilicoBeans - i fagioliBell pepper - il peperoneCabbage - il cavoloCarrot - la carotaCauliflower - il cavolfioreCherries - le ciliegieChickpeas - i ceciCilantro - il coriandoloCucumber - il cetrioloEggplant - la melanzanaFennel - il finocchioFig - il ficoGarlic - l’aglioGrape - l’uvaGreen beans - i fagioliniLeek - il porroLemon - il limoneLettuce - la lattugaMelon - il meloneMint - la mentaOregano - l’origanoParsley - il prezzemoloPeach - la pescaPeas - i piselliniRaspberry - il lamponeRosemary - il rosmarinoSpinach - gli spinaciStrawberry - la fragolaTomato - il pomodoroWatermelon - languria Phrases Vorrei quattro mele per oggi, per favore. - I would like four apples for today, please. Note: If you say â€Å"per oggi - for today†, it implies that you want to eat these apples today and don’t want to wait for any produce to ripen. Quanto costa al chilo? - How much does it cost per kilo?Quelli come si chiamano? - What are those called?Un etto di†¦(fragole). - 100 grams of†¦(strawberries).Come si puà ² cucinare†¦(il finocchio)? - How does one cook†¦(fennel)?Avete...(il basilico)? - Do you have†¦(basil)?Posso assaggiare (il peperone), per favore? - Can I try (the bell pepper), please? Look but Dont Touch Here’s a quick cultural tip that might save you some embarrassment when shopping for fruits and vegetables. In Italy, you never want to directly touch any of the produce. In supermarkets, they have plastic gloves available so you can choose what you want, and there will be a machine you use to print out a label so the sales clerk can easily scan your purchases. When you go to the market, just ask for help from the venditore (vendor).    In both cases, it helps to bring your own bag from home. In supermarkets, they will charge you for la busta (the bag), but at outdoor markets, they’ll typically just give you a plastic one if you don’t have your own. If you’re curious about phrases for shopping in other contexts, read this article, and if you still need to learn the numbers so you can understand how much everything costs, go here.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Perspectives on African Experience- Examine Ayi Akwei Armah's Essay

Perspectives on African Experience- Examine Ayi Akwei Armah's representation of the failures of decolonisation and national independence in The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born - Essay Example who is the main character in this story, is the protagonist, who seems to be the embodiment of good morals since he is not corrupt and has refused involvement in its gleam. The author wishes to communicate uprightness and good character through the Man, in order to awaken Ghanaians to the reality of corruption, materialism, poverty, political rhetoric and desperation. Promises made during the fight against colonialism were socialistic by nature, featuring equality and betterment of people’s lives, but none of them were fulfilled during the reign of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, or even after the coup. The novel brings out the reality of life in Ghana after independence, where people’s dreams of a better nation were shattered by the filth of corruption at that time. The Man’s dream was to go to the University of Legon, a dream that never came true just like most Ghanaians’ dreams of a better nation were shattered by the corrupt government system that came into power a fter colonialists had left. In this paper, I am to discuss in detail how the author uses symbolism to show moral decadence in the post-independence Ghana, and how it applies to other African states today. The theme of corruption covers the larger part of the novel, as witnessed by the Man on his way to his working place at the railway administration, when the conductor in the bus refuses to return the full change and keeps extra amount over the normal fare as his (Armah 1968, p.1). The conductor smells the cedi and says that it is strange that a man could have so many cedis pass through his hands and yet not really know their smell, implying that the conductor was money hungry. The bus in this case represents Ghana, the conductor represents its leaders, who are very corrupt and the passengers are the Ghanaians. The poor citizens in most African states participate in the economy through working but the money ends up in a few people’s pockets (Ferguson 2010, p. 170), no wonder the conductor is mocking the

Analysis Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysis - Dissertation Example As of January 31, 2012, the 10-K report of the company states that the revenue of the company was calculated in terms of â€Å"282,180,170 shares of Common Stock, $0.01 Par Value outstanding.† Clearly, this is a representation of stiff market performance that is accounts for reasons why the company continues to have a very wide market position. Presently, the company’s strategy for growth is focused on merger with emerging competitors in developing economies. Pepco Holdings Inc. (POM) Reviewers have for long judged Pepco Holdings Inc (POM) as a major competitor for Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (OGE) mainly because of the closeness in market strategy held by the two companies. It would for instance be seen that both companies focus on have a business strategy that â€Å"remains focused on being a top-performing, regulated transmission and distribution company† (10-K of POM, 2011). In terms of market size and capacity, the company controls a total of 4.60 billio n dollars (Yahoo Finance, 2012). Fortunately for the company, it continues to experience an upload rise in its market stock value. This is represented on almost all major stock markets in the world including the New York Stock Exchange. Such a performance has contributed to the increase in total operating revenue of the company from $ 5,920M in 2010 to $ 7,039M in 2011 (10-K of POM, 2011). Wisconsin Energy Corp. ... With an impressive market capacity of 9.4 billion dollars as of 2012, the company has positioned itself in the market at such a strategic standing that its main focus has been to deal with corporate groups and entities instead of individual customers. With this group related strategy, the company keeps recording a rising trend in its annual revenue with a revenue rise from $ 7,420M in 2010 to $ 9,139M in 2011. South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCG) The major area of business dealing where South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCG) poses as the strongly competitor of Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (OGE) is in the area of market margin. This is so said because the two companies have an unusual competition for the same customers in a manner that is not very common with other major competitors. More to this, the company can boost of a very formidable market performance on different stock exchange markets. NASDAQ (2012) for instance quotes the market value of South Carolina Ele ctric and Gas Company (SCG) as $ 6,493,822,800 with a current market yield of 4%. This is clearly a huge market struggle for Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (OGE) that keeps its market strength along similar margin. According to the 10-K Report of the company for 2011, much of the company’s success is attributed to its current strategy, which focuses on employees as the major pillar for organizational transformation. Value Chain Analysis NI is one of the main comparative firms of OGE in the U.S. Diversified Electricity Generator Industry. The significant parts in the value chain that add value for OGE are marketing and sales, services, firm infrastructure, human resource

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Euthanasia is Unethical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Euthanasia is Unethical - Essay Example All of them are for the protection of life. In the world of medicine, the World Medical Association (WMA, 2002) made its point well on euthanasia. The policy adopted by the 38th WMA Assembly, in Madrid, Spain, October 1987, states: "Euthanasia, that is the act of deliberately ending the life of a patient, even at the patient's own request or at the request of close relatives, is unethical. This does not prevent the physician from respecting the desire of a patient to allow the natural process of death to follow its course in the terminal phase of sickness." "Physicians-assisted suicide, like euthanasia, is unethical and must be condemned by the medical profession. Where the assistance of the physician is intentionally and deliberately directed at enabling an individual to end his or her own life, the physician acts unethically. However the right to decline medical treatment is a basic right of the patient and the physician does not act unethically even if respecting such a wish results in the death of the patient." As one of the most contentious issues of our time, "euthanasia" (herein clarified as human) is understood as "good death." According to Bamgbose (2004), there are many angles in looking at this issue as euthanasia has been deliberated in a many-sided debate from different groups. On one side are the medical practitioners ready to assist with their expertise; on another are the legal practitioners who interpret the law; on still another are those in the judicial arm of government who have to make authoritative decisions. There are yet the two groups where on one side are the terminally ill who look for assistance to die with dignity, and then on the other side are the family members much tormented with anguish. My position. The debate on euthanasia is on whether a person may decide to have his or her life terminated for his or her own benefit (Bamgbose, 2004). The burden appears to lie on the one who has a life to reckon with. Does a person own his own life such that he can decide how long he should live or notAs defined by (, euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. Accordingly, the key word here is "intentional" so that if death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia therefore refers to when the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Accordingly, there is no euthanasia unless the death is intentionally caused by what was done or not done (Website: Zeroing in on this angle, this paper takes on the position that a person's decision to terminate his or her life is unethical. In other words, the WMA's belief that euthanasia is unethical is well taken. Euthanasia or good death or mercy killing may take on other meanings like suicide or physician-assisted suicide (PAS) depending on the circumstance. All of them, however, amount to euthanasia. For either argument for and against euthanasia, this paper will endeavor to counter or concur with the contentions accordingly The word euthanasia originated from an amalgam of two Greek words: eu

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention Coursework

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention - Coursework Example The employers’ acts intends at enhancing employees’ loyalty and retention or longevity given that the employee continually expands their knowledge and skills while working. In my proposal of Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention, I identified numerous factors that make tuition assistance programs by employers extremely effective. As an employer, ensure that there exists an educational assistance program in one organization, align the company goals and employees’ goals, define a strategic plan around the program, utilize online colleges and universities, and regularly keep track of success measurements for the tuition assistance program. Extremely effective tuition assistance could save a firm much money especially by regulating tuition to low cost college course providers and ensuring that all employees’ educational needs align with the company interests (Flaherty, 2007). Besides saving money, the firm could also reduce employees’ turnover rates given that educated employees better understand their responsibilities, have greater job satisfaction, and opt to remain with the company

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant Research Paper

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant - Research Paper Example Such is the focus of this essay. The man: Ulysses Grant Until today, scholars do not totally agree how Grant should be viewed as a leader. Though, he was esteemed a great Civil War hero and a great military commander, too; some would also say he was a butcher. Though many would say he was a major failure as a president; today some scholars are reconsidering such view, saying: â€Å"†¦ Grant was a good president; certainly a strong one† (Skidmore, 2008, p. 221). Perhaps, these opposing views could be attributed to the complex character of the man whose life was lived in the most challenging times of US history. Good thing though, scholars at least agree on five things about Grant. First, Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant, the eldest among the six children (3 boys and 3 girls) of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson (Taylor, 2006, p. D05), is no extra-ordinary lad with an extra-ordinary life lived during challenging times. Aside from his unmatched excellence in horsemanship â€⠀œ â€Å"a skill that served him well in the Civil War, when he remained eighteen hours a day and more in the saddle without tiring, a feat that astonished his staff† (Goode, 1999, p. ... (McDowell, 2004, p. B06) His life is evidently a history of success and failure. Admirably though, in success, in failure, and even in death, Grant had consistently faced life’s challenges calmly. Second, Grant is a complex man (Bartholomees, 2002, p. 133) filled with great contradictions. Drain, the executive producer of American Experience describes him as a man hailed from an educated family, yet a school bum; a man who hates violence and the sight of blood, yet had been a brutal commander (cited in Lasner, 2002, p. 20). A man devoid of any qualities of greatness yet had saved and united this nation. A man of constant failure yet in his not so distinct previous military career had earned President Lincoln’s trust and confidence against the opposition of many, had been able to tame and discipline the seemingly hopeless rowdy Illinois regimen, and had defeated Robert E. Lee’s forces, victoriously ending the bloody Southern rebellion (Goode, 1999, p. 330; Lasner, 2002, p. 20). An honest man yet his administration were best known for many scandals involving his own people – his secretary of war (William Belknap) and private secretary (Gen. Orville Babcock). Among the major scandals that smeared his term were the Black Friday (September 24, 1869), Whiskey Ring (1875), and Belknap Bribery (1876). (Toppin, 2002, pp. 244-246) Also, a child of the frontier, a drunkard and a stern military commander, yet rarely swears using only the oath ‘doggone it’ and acts with ‘girlish modesty’. According to him, â€Å"no one had seen him naked since he was a boy.† (Goode, 1999, p.330) Third, Grant was a happy family man finding contentment and solace in the company of his wife, Julia Dent, and four

Equality for Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Equality for Animals - Essay Example In case of animals the mental or psychological aspect do not play much role. This differentiation has not been made because the animal equality is based mainly on physical torment aspect. He author mentions the point â€Å"not have interests because it cannot suffer† but here it is not clear as to what kind of interest he is talking of. The explanation provided in this context is ambiguous because talking of experiments on mice, it is essential in human interests. The author has not talked of conflict of interests or what decision should be taken when there is such a conflict. What interest can a mouse have in reducing human suffering? Similarly a man will have no interest in considering mouse’s suffering. This aspect has not been taken into consideration. 2E. The principle theme of this article is based on the concept of giving equal consideration to animals. The basic argument that Singer has mentioned in support of equal consideration of animals is the â€Å"princip le of equal consideration of interests† (Singer, 1979). This principle indicates that every living being deserves equal treatment irrespective of their kind, size or power. There are several sub-arguments in this article. The first one is that although some animals like those animals with thick skins have the capacity to feel lesser degree of physical pain than human. However, Singer argues that this cannot be the ground of giving unequal consideration to animals. Secondly, animals are used for scientific experiments because they lack the fear of anticipation and also because they are not considered in the same category as humans. Singer argues that since human infants and retarded humans cannot be used for experiments, so animals should also be prohibited from experimenting. Thirdly, Singer argues that people should refrain from eating flesh of animals as this not a necessity. By killing animals for food they right of living is violated to serve the minor interests of humans. Fourthly, animals lack reasoning and so they are less self-conscious than humans. However, Singer argues that degree of self-consciousness cannot undermine the importance of giving equal consideration of interests. The main conclusion of this article is that in spite of all the differences between animals and humans, there should be equal consideration of interests. The main reason for this conclusion is that animals have the capacity to feel pain and suffering and so they should be considered equal to human beings in spite of their low intellectual level. Another reason is that humans have no right to use animals for the purpose of pleasure. 3F. Main concepts: Animals Equal treatment Main Conceptual Question: Should animals be given equal treatment as humans? Animals Equal treatment - have less intellectual power - have capacity to feel pain - do not have the fear of anticipation - are consumed by humans as food - are kept in unfavourable conditions to be converted into food - are used for scientific experiments - eat each other - Darwinian theory gives humans right to kill animals for food - can use tools and communicate like humans - equal consideration of interests - suffering of all beings must be given equal consideration - humans infants and retarded humans are not considered to be of same category like animals - use of animals as food is not a necessity but is more a luxury - people should choose vegetarian way of life in order to maintain the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant Research Paper

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant - Research Paper Example Such is the focus of this essay. The man: Ulysses Grant Until today, scholars do not totally agree how Grant should be viewed as a leader. Though, he was esteemed a great Civil War hero and a great military commander, too; some would also say he was a butcher. Though many would say he was a major failure as a president; today some scholars are reconsidering such view, saying: â€Å"†¦ Grant was a good president; certainly a strong one† (Skidmore, 2008, p. 221). Perhaps, these opposing views could be attributed to the complex character of the man whose life was lived in the most challenging times of US history. Good thing though, scholars at least agree on five things about Grant. First, Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant, the eldest among the six children (3 boys and 3 girls) of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson (Taylor, 2006, p. D05), is no extra-ordinary lad with an extra-ordinary life lived during challenging times. Aside from his unmatched excellence in horsemanship â€⠀œ â€Å"a skill that served him well in the Civil War, when he remained eighteen hours a day and more in the saddle without tiring, a feat that astonished his staff† (Goode, 1999, p. ... (McDowell, 2004, p. B06) His life is evidently a history of success and failure. Admirably though, in success, in failure, and even in death, Grant had consistently faced life’s challenges calmly. Second, Grant is a complex man (Bartholomees, 2002, p. 133) filled with great contradictions. Drain, the executive producer of American Experience describes him as a man hailed from an educated family, yet a school bum; a man who hates violence and the sight of blood, yet had been a brutal commander (cited in Lasner, 2002, p. 20). A man devoid of any qualities of greatness yet had saved and united this nation. A man of constant failure yet in his not so distinct previous military career had earned President Lincoln’s trust and confidence against the opposition of many, had been able to tame and discipline the seemingly hopeless rowdy Illinois regimen, and had defeated Robert E. Lee’s forces, victoriously ending the bloody Southern rebellion (Goode, 1999, p. 330; Lasner, 2002, p. 20). An honest man yet his administration were best known for many scandals involving his own people – his secretary of war (William Belknap) and private secretary (Gen. Orville Babcock). Among the major scandals that smeared his term were the Black Friday (September 24, 1869), Whiskey Ring (1875), and Belknap Bribery (1876). (Toppin, 2002, pp. 244-246) Also, a child of the frontier, a drunkard and a stern military commander, yet rarely swears using only the oath ‘doggone it’ and acts with ‘girlish modesty’. According to him, â€Å"no one had seen him naked since he was a boy.† (Goode, 1999, p.330) Third, Grant was a happy family man finding contentment and solace in the company of his wife, Julia Dent, and four

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Triangle Factory Fire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Triangle Factory Fire - Essay Example Immigrants desperately needed work and were at a disadvantage because they were â€Å"struggling with a new language and culture† (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). Because of this, the workers were willing to work in conditions that many would consider unacceptable and unbearable. Women as young as fourteen worked in factories to help support their families, and most did not have the protection of a labor union that acted on their behalf. Though labor unions, such as the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union and the Womens’ Trade Union League, existed at the time, the Triangle Waist Company was a non-union shop (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). Managers locked workers in to the building once the work day started, required them to leave by a single exit at the end of their shifts, and subjected the workers to a search as they left the building. On the day of the fire, witnesses noted that the doors were locked, and only one of the two elevators available to transport workers from the upper levels of the building was in operation. Additionally, a worker who escaped the fire related that the water buckets intended for use in the event of a fire were empty (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). These are just a few of the factors that contributed to the magnitude of the disaster. The New York (State) Factory Investigating Commission formed as a result of this tragedy, uncovered the extent of what it called a â€Å"neglect of the human factor† (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). The findings of the Commission indicated that attention to light and illumination, ventilation, cleanliness, and basic â€Å"indispensable comforts† would not only improve the workers’ condition, but would also benefit the companies by increasing efficiency and effectiveness. The Commission states that â€Å"the standardization of factory sanitation is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Alice walker in search of the garden Essay Example for Free

Alice walker in search of the garden Essay lice Walker’s essay, In Search of Our Mother’s Garden, talks about her search of the African American women’s suppressed talent, of the artistic skills and talents that they lost because of slavery and a forced way of life. Walker builds up her arguments from historical events as well as the collective experiences of African Americans, including her own. She uses these experiences to back up her arguments formed from recollections of various African American characters and events. Walker points out that a great part of her mother’s and grandmothers’ lives have been suppressed because of their sad, dark pasts. But all of these are not lost because somehow, these are manifested in even the smallest things that they do, and that they were also able to pass it down to the very people that they loved. Our search of our mother’s garden may end back to ourselves. Walker builds up her argument by mentioning the experiences of other people in the essay. One of them is Jean Toomer, a poet in the early 1920s. He is a man who observed that Black women are unique because they possessed intense spirituality in them, even though their bodies endure every aspect of punishment in every single day of their lives. They were in the strictest sense Saints – crazy, pitiful saints. Walker points out that without a doubt, our mothers and grandmothers belong to this type of people. By building up on the observations of Toomer, she was somehow able to show how hard it was to be a mother or a grandmother or even just a woman at that time, one reason perhaps is that they are black. The mothers and grandmothers at that time endured all of this without any hope that tomorrow will be different, be better. Because of this, they were not able to fully express themselves. They were held back by their society. Another black character that she used to build her argument is Phillis Wheatley, a Black slave girl with a precarious health. Phillis is a poet and a writer at her own right, but unfortunately, she wasn’t able to do much with it because she was a slave. She didn’t have anything for herself, worse, she didn’t even own herself. Her futile attempts for self expression would be washed up by forced labor and pregnancies. She lost her health, and eventually her life without fully expressing herself through her gift for poetry. Alice Walker used the story of Phillis to establish the understanding that indeed, African American women at that time were not allowed or didn’t have the luxury of time to exercise their gifts, to hone their talents and abilities, and use them to fully express themselves. By doing so, Walker proves that our mothers and grandmothers lived a boxed life back then, with no way to channel to them emotions and thoughts other than hard labor and forced servitude. She pointed out that we wouldn’t know if anyone of them would’ve bloomed to be poets, singers, actresses, because they never really had the chance to know what they can do. By building up her argument using these two accounts, she is also presenting very strong evidence to her claim. These accounts were personal experiences of real African American people, and these are not just isolated cases. These are shared experiences not just by these two but by all of their people. Walker can confidently say that there is a lot of Phillis Wheatley in those times, perhaps including her mother and grandmothers. This is concrete evidence because it is not fictional, it is not imaginary, or something conceived out of Walker’s creativity. Slavery, forced pregnancies, poverty, and artistic suppression were the realities during the time of our grandmothers. No one can deny this, and no one can deny the existence of Phillis or the accounts of Jean Toomer. Considering Alice Walker’s authority in her arguments, she could be considered as an expert, a reliable source of information on the topic. First off, she is an African American woman, who had her fair share of poverty in her childhood. She was born and raised by hardworking parents, who really had to work day and night to provide for their family. Also, she witnesses first hand that even though her mother may not be a poet or a novelist; she was an artist in the truest sense. Her artistic side is manifested in her gardens and the beautiful flowers that she grows. Alice Walker witnessed all of this, experienced first hand what it was like to be poor and seemingly talentless. The accounts that Alice Walker used to prove her points and back up her arguments were African American history that she was all too familiar with. It may have been shared to her by her families, or simply a collective knowledge passed down from one generation to another. She is also well-educated, a wide reader, and an artist. She often cites Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, relating a white woman’s plight to a black woman’s hardships. She emphasizes that even though she recognizes Woolf’s point about society’s unfair treatment to women of her time, Walker still believes that black women suffered the most (Walker). There is simply nothing that could compare to the artistic suppression that her mother and grandmothers experienced. In this essay, she is appealing to a general audience, with no specific race or ethnicity. I think this essay was written to highlight the African American women of her mother and grandmother’s time, who were unable to express their talents and hone it to its full potential. This essay is written to inform anyone and everyone reading it about their stories, and of her discovery of her mother’s garden. She was glad to know that it is possible for African American women to express themselves even unknowingly, that it is up to us to discover these â€Å"gardens.† She is appealing to the readers in general that even though some people like our mothers and grandmothers seem talentless or artistically inferior, it doesn’t mean that they really lack the talent. It just means that were not looking hard enough to find it. Alice Walker’s method of using personal experience and historical accounts allow her to truthfully see and say what has really happened. She doesn’t have to make up hypothetical events because she already has a basis for her arguments. Jean Toomer’s recollections and Phillis Wheatley’s experiences are enough proof of her argument. If some people would disagree with what she’s saying, she can always go back to their experiences, to how Phillis suffered without fully using her gift, or what Toomer saw in the streets in the early Twenties. But because of this, I think Walker is somehow limited to the sad and pitiful stories of the past. Well, in reality, most of the stories of African Americans were really sad and pitiful, but still, Walker failed to mention of any successful artist who rose from the ranks of slaves to write her own story. It is either this kind of story really didn’t exist at that time, or Walker just didn’t mention it, since it wasn’t the focus of her essay. Alice Walker concluded her essay by saying that Phillis Wheatley’s mother was also an artist, and that the achievements of their daughters were in some way brought about by their mothers. Her conclusion states that the mother is somehow responsible in every achievement of their daughter. Any artistic output by a person is also a product of their mother. Indeed, their children are their best creations, their very own wonderful gardens. This conclusion is related to her method because it goes back to how Phillis Wheatley’s mother was somehow responsible for her daughter’s artistic sense, and that beyond the poverty and the hardships that our mothers and grandmothers experienced during their times, they were still able to artistically express themselves through their children, their very own wonderful gardens.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Feminist Journey through Beethovens Musical Structure Essay

A Feminist Journey through Beethoven's Musical Structure Traditional analysis of Beethoven's use of Sonata Allegro form tends to focus on harmonic or melodic movement and key relationships. This study stretches such investigations to include questions of historical context and philosophic motivations that drive a composer to structure music in a certain way. Ultimately this leads to an inquiry about how these traditions affect us as listeners, and more specifically how they relate to gender issues in a musical tradition primarily made up of male composers. Music of the 1700s is often characterized as highly structured and balanced. A favorite form for pieces of many kinds was the sonata form, which relies heavily on the basic movement between different tonalities (especially tonic and dominant or relative major). Ludwig van Beethoven wrote over 30 sonatas for piano alone and used the structure for symphonies and many other instrumental works. Most other composers of the classical time period also used sonata form, and music historians have spent much time discussing why this might be so. Some historians pose this question strictly within a musical world: How did earlier musical structures give rise to sonata form? Others ask what it was in the surrounding historical context that made sonata form appealing. William Henry Hadow and Charles Rosen are two historians who talk primarily about musical context. Hadow sets his discussion in the framework of classical composers' movement away from Baroque forms. He says that when Beethoven and his contemporaries chose ternary form over Baroque binary, typified in the dance suite, they chose a structure that was then used successfully into the twentieth century. This was only poss... ...s in history. Works Cited Abbate, Carolyn. Unsung Voices: Opera and Musical Narrative in the Nineteenth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991. Ballantine, Christopher. "Beethoven, Hegel and Marx." Music Review. Vol. 33, 1972. Drake, Kenneth. The Beethoven Sonatas and the Creative Experience. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994. Hadow, William Henry. Sonata Form. London: Novello and Company, Limited, 1979. McClary, Susan. Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991. Mann, Thomas. Doctor Faustus. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948. Rosen, Charles. The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. New York: The Viking Press, 1971. Subotnik, Rose Rosengard. Developing Variations: Style and Ideology in Western Music. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The History of Billiards :: essays research papers

There are many different theories as to when and how billiards was first developed. A lack of actual physical evidence has left most of these theories as simply speculation. Most people agree, however, that the game gained its roots from lawn games, which were not unlike croquet, played by nobility. Early players were said to include King Louis XI of France (King between 1461 and 1483); Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-1587); King Louis XIV (1643-1715); Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis XVI. If the game did indeed develop from lawn games, then where did the lawn games come from? Many historians believe that the lawn games date back to ancient Egypt. "Bat and ball" games are said to be what the lawn games evolved from, and images of these games can be found on the outside of tombs from as far back as 3000 years ago. The greatest innovation that has led to modern billiards play would have to be that of the modern time cue or cue stick which dates back to the 1700's. Up until that time only makeshift cues were used and it was the mace that was the most popular. During its reign as leading cue the mace was used to push the ball on the table and the skinny end was used as a handle. Difficulty with shots compressed against the rails would lead to the use of the skinny end to shoot causing the fall of the mace and the arrival of a stick. Along with the emergence of the cue came other great improvements. Leather tips were developed around the eighteen hundreds, and a few years later chalk was developed for the tips. Slate beds, fine cloth, rubber rails and standard sizes for tables soon arrived, and pushed the development of the games popularity. Along with popularity came the need for standardized rules, tables, and equipment. Of course with the gained popularity came the "business" of billiards.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Does the Internet Have a Negative Effect on Youth or Does Its Use Need to Be Monitored More Essay

Does the internet have a negative effect on youth or does its use need to be monitored more? The Internet has become a major part of everyday life for most Americans especially today’s youth but some say that internet has a negative effect on youth more than a positive one. The question is: are all of the effects of the internet negative? The internet is used by most youth for entertainment, to find information and to connect with people. Unfortunately while the internet can be useful it has been known to cause negative effects on children. Social networking sites are very popular among today’s youth. In recent years cyber bullying has become a trend among youth because of the internet. There are also cases that youth have been exposed to inappropriate websites while on the internet and it had a negative effect on them. The internet has been known to cause a negative effect on youth but it can be prevented if their internet use is monitored. Social networking websites that are popular on the internet Twitter, MySpace, face book and YouTube. It is said by some t hat youth spend more time on websites like these than studying and doing their homework. While most of the young people in the study got good grades, 47 percent of the heaviest media users, those who consumed at least 16 hours a day, had mostly C’s or lower, compared with 23 percent of those who typically consumed media three hours a day or less (New York Times). Some youth can spend all day on social networking sites. Often times social networking sites can also become a distraction to youth. Most youth would much rather get on face book or twitter than study or write a paper. Most of the time youth can begin writing a paper but end up spending hours on face book. Social networking sites also have been known to cause children to be kidnapped or raped. Because of the amount of information that can be put on these sites it is easy for them to be tracked. There have also been cases where youth have chatted someone under the impression that they were someone else. There have been several cases where children have been harmed because someone found them on social netwo rking site. This can only be prevented if youth internet is monitored. So it seems that social networking sites can only have a negative effect if the time they spend on social networks is not being monitored correctly. Cyber bullying is another negative effect from the internet. Cyber bullying is using the Internet to  send or post texts or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. It has been said that forty-three percent of teens have been victimized by cyber-bullying in the last year ( is a result of youth being mad at another peer or just trying to have fun. Cyber-bullying has been said to cause depression and sometimes even suicide among youth. It has become a major problem among youth in recent years. A lot of the time cyber bullying takes place on sites like twitter, face book and sometimes even YouTube. There have been cases all over the news where youth have said that they became depressed because of cyber-bullying.Most youth who have participated in cyber bullying thought that it was funny and not realized that it would have a negative effect on the victim. There have been steps taken to try to prevent cyber-bullying but there are still some cases where it is still happening. Cyber-bullying can be prevented if t he internet use is being monitored. Almost eighty percent of teens said they did not have rules for the internet or that it was not monitored. While browsing the internet the youth can be exposed to a lot of inappropriate websites that most would agree they shouldn’t be exposed to. Twenty five percent of youth had unwanted exposure to sexual pictures on the internet in the past year, challenging the prevalent assumption that the problem is primarily about young people motivated to actively seek out pornography according to youth and society ( quarter of these youth were upset by being exposed to pornography. In other cases when youth are exposed to pornography they become interested and begin watching it regularly. According to one study, when youth under fourteen years of age are exposed to pornography it is related to greater involvement in deviant sexual practice, particularly rape ( It has also been said that because pornography encourages sexual expression without responsibility it endangers children’s health. If a child were to see porn he/she may think that is okay to have unprotected sex which could then lead to std’s and unplanned pregnancy( protectkids,com ). Although porn can and has had negative effects on children it has been said that porn does not always have negative effects on children. Some children are exposed and it has no effect at all. In the end it seems that it may depend on the child if it has a negative effect or not. It also seems that the only way that this can be prevented is if their internet use is monitored. There are strategies that  can be taken to do this (Council). It seems to be proven that the internet can in fact have a negative effect on youth. Social networking sites can cause youth grades to drop. Cyber-bullying mostly takes place on the internet and it cause youth to become depressed. Youth can be exposed to several inappropriate websites which can damage their future development. The internet can be a very useful tool for youth to have access to but it can also have a very negative impact on youth if it is not monitored correctly. To ensure that the internet does not harm our youth in negative way parents/guardians must monitor their children’s internet use.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Gender Identity

Gender Identity Kenneth Williams Psy 340 4/1/2013 Raymond Bragg Sex may be biological and although we may be born male or female, culturally that is not only what defines our gender roles, agree or disagree, there are many cultural influences that affect today’s gender roles. We are at a point culturally were traditional definitions are often a moot point, in my home and the homes of my children traditional roles are followed, but in many homes today that is not the case, cultural influences have often taken over for traditional values what may have been the standard once is no longer.Include the roles of biological factors, nature and environmental influences, nurture on sexual differentiation and gender identity. Nature is responsible for the growth of a person from the sperm and egg level until the natural development into a normal adult. The genetic makeup of a human being is responsible for their sex, skin color, color of their eyes and hair as well as distinguishing feat ures which are inherited from their parents. Nature can only assist in the growth of a fetus into a normal well-developed adult who may have inherited some special talents.Thus it can be concluded that nature uses the genetic coding to help in physical development and does impart some positive or negative traits to an individual’s natural development. However, it is nurture which can be used to improve he positive traits and diminish the negative traits in a child. It is indeed important to recognize that nature in the form of inherited traits does exist but a person’s overall behavior is influenced a great deal by the nurture or â€Å"upbringing† and the environmental factors involved in this upbringing. Several recent studies carried out on infant and child behavior have shown that there is significant evidence to support the fact that nurture strongly influences human development especially in the early years† (Collins 2000). In traditional society most parents encourage their kids to take part in extracurricular activities like learning music, dance or sports in accordance with the child’s talents and interests. The talents have been given by nature but they can only be developed into skills through the hard work of nurture.Based on your evaluation, determine which has the greater influence on gender identity: nature or nurture. Undoubtedly, nurture plays a very big role in early human development. Nurture in some way or another aids in speeding up an individual's capacity to study and learn new things. There is the common saying that â€Å"practice makes perfect,† so an individual can improve knowledge by practicing to adapt to all the situations in these circumstances or environment (Sports or academia). The part which nurture plays in human development has been demonstrated by psychologists in experiments in which stepping practice was administered to a cohort of inference for just a few minutes many times in a d ay. It was later that these children were able to walk several days earlier than infants who had not been given stepping practice† (Zucker2000). Influence has its effect on any outcome. Discuss the current arguments about sexual identity and how evidence from biopsychology may help resolve the argument.It is obvious that nature is responsible for producing healthy and well-developed babies, but it is also nurture that plays an important role in the early stages of human development also. †Research has concluded beyond doubt that early human development is quicker and more focused due to nurture as it builds up on the talents provided by nature. Nature may be responsible for the normal development of the fetus into a normal and healthy infant, but it cannot entirely develop that fetus into an intelligent, knowledgeable or athletic adult. (Collins 2000) This is possible only through the exposure and influence that nurture gives a person. Therefore, it would be a true state ment to say that nature has some degree of influence, nurture also strongly influences early and further human development. To determine where the greater influence comes from is based on one’s own morals, beliefs and own personal influences. The argument on wheatear someone is born gay or influenced is an argument that has been going on for ages and will continue, is it nature or nurture?Are great athletes born or made, there has to be genetic influence, but, that natural ability has to be nurtured, the same argument can be made for something as meaningless as being a model, they may be born beautiful but, the care of one’s self has to be taught. Resources www. apa. org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation. aspx Lalumiere, M,. Blanchard, R,. Zucker, K,. (2000) Sexual orientation and handedness in men and women: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 126. 575-592. Collins W. A. , Maccoby, E. E. , Steinberg, L. , Hetherington, M. E. , Bornstein, M. H. (2000). The case for na ture and nurture. Am. Psychol. 55:218-232. Gender Identity Gender Identity Kenneth Williams Psy 340 4/1/2013 Raymond Bragg Sex may be biological and although we may be born male or female, culturally that is not only what defines our gender roles, agree or disagree, there are many cultural influences that affect today’s gender roles. We are at a point culturally were traditional definitions are often a moot point, in my home and the homes of my children traditional roles are followed, but in many homes today that is not the case, cultural influences have often taken over for traditional values what may have been the standard once is no longer.Include the roles of biological factors, nature and environmental influences, nurture on sexual differentiation and gender identity. Nature is responsible for the growth of a person from the sperm and egg level until the natural development into a normal adult. The genetic makeup of a human being is responsible for their sex, skin color, color of their eyes and hair as well as distinguishing feat ures which are inherited from their parents. Nature can only assist in the growth of a fetus into a normal well-developed adult who may have inherited some special talents.Thus it can be concluded that nature uses the genetic coding to help in physical development and does impart some positive or negative traits to an individual’s natural development. However, it is nurture which can be used to improve he positive traits and diminish the negative traits in a child. It is indeed important to recognize that nature in the form of inherited traits does exist but a person’s overall behavior is influenced a great deal by the nurture or â€Å"upbringing† and the environmental factors involved in this upbringing. Several recent studies carried out on infant and child behavior have shown that there is significant evidence to support the fact that nurture strongly influences human development especially in the early years† (Collins 2000). In traditional society most parents encourage their kids to take part in extracurricular activities like learning music, dance or sports in accordance with the child’s talents and interests. The talents have been given by nature but they can only be developed into skills through the hard work of nurture.Based on your evaluation, determine which has the greater influence on gender identity: nature or nurture. Undoubtedly, nurture plays a very big role in early human development. Nurture in some way or another aids in speeding up an individual's capacity to study and learn new things. There is the common saying that â€Å"practice makes perfect,† so an individual can improve knowledge by practicing to adapt to all the situations in these circumstances or environment (Sports or academia). The part which nurture plays in human development has been demonstrated by psychologists in experiments in which stepping practice was administered to a cohort of inference for just a few minutes many times in a d ay. It was later that these children were able to walk several days earlier than infants who had not been given stepping practice† (Zucker2000). Influence has its effect on any outcome. Discuss the current arguments about sexual identity and how evidence from biopsychology may help resolve the argument.It is obvious that nature is responsible for producing healthy and well-developed babies, but it is also nurture that plays an important role in the early stages of human development also. †Research has concluded beyond doubt that early human development is quicker and more focused due to nurture as it builds up on the talents provided by nature. Nature may be responsible for the normal development of the fetus into a normal and healthy infant, but it cannot entirely develop that fetus into an intelligent, knowledgeable or athletic adult. (Collins 2000) This is possible only through the exposure and influence that nurture gives a person. Therefore, it would be a true state ment to say that nature has some degree of influence, nurture also strongly influences early and further human development. To determine where the greater influence comes from is based on one’s own morals, beliefs and own personal influences. The argument on wheatear someone is born gay or influenced is an argument that has been going on for ages and will continue, is it nature or nurture?Are great athletes born or made, there has to be genetic influence, but, that natural ability has to be nurtured, the same argument can be made for something as meaningless as being a model, they may be born beautiful but, the care of one’s self has to be taught. Resources www. apa. org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation. aspx Lalumiere, M,. Blanchard, R,. Zucker, K,. (2000) Sexual orientation and handedness in men and women: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 126. 575-592. Collins W. A. , Maccoby, E. E. , Steinberg, L. , Hetherington, M. E. , Bornstein, M. H. (2000). The case for na ture and nurture. Am. Psychol. 55:218-232.

The Physics of a Truss Bridge

There is many reason that we need bridges in every day of our life, from sufficient means to pass over a roadway, waterway, railway, or other structure. You don’t even think about them because it takes no effort to get over them and they are just there for your use. So if you don’t think of them for everyday use I highly doubt that you would think of the physics that is involved in putting one together or the kind of force the bridge can actually take.I am going to show you the max force a truss bridge can take by demonstration it to you in class and also by trying to calculate it. I am also going to go over the many ways that truss bridges can fail and come to a tumbling crash. Before I get into the physics of the bridge you need to know what a truss bridge is and how it works. A truss is a structure composed of members connected together to form a rigid framework. Members are the load-carrying components of a structure. In most trusses, members are arranged in interco nnected triangles, as shown below.Because of this configuration, truss members carry load primarily in tension and compression. Because trusses are very strong for their weight, they are often used to span long distances. They have been used extensively in bridges since the early 19th century; however, truss bridges have become somewhat less common in recent years. Today trusses are often used in the roofs of buildings and stadiums, in towers, construction cranes, and many similar structures and machines. An easy way to understand how a truss bridge works is to use a nutcracker and a sting tied to the ends of the nutcracker.So even if you push down on the nutcracker it will not move or slide on the table. This is because the nutcracker is in equilibrium. I am going to show you a little of a harder way of calculating it with three triangles that are in the shape of a truss bridge so you can understand how the bridge works 400N 800N A B C D E 2m 500 N 700 N Sum of torques = (1m) (-400 N) + (3m) (-800N) + (4m) (E) =0 E= 700N Sum of forces = Ay +E -400N- 800N Ay = 500N Now that we know how the forces are laid out, let’s take a look at what is happening at point A.Remember that all forces are in equilibrium, so they must add up to zero. 500N 60Â ° A T Ac T AB Sum of Fx = Tac + Tab Cos 60 =0 Sum of Fy = Tab sin 60 +500N = 0 Solving for the two above equation we get Tab = -577 N Tac = 289 N When you apply external loads to a structure, external reactions occur at the supports. But internal forces are also developed within each structural member. In a truss, these internal member forces will always be either tension or compression. A member in tension usually stretches, like a rubber band because the tension force tends to make a member longer.This is the opposite for compression. When a member is in compression it is usually being squashed, like squashing a block of foam between your hands. B 289 N 289 N 577 N TAB = -577 N TAC = 289 N B A A 577 N The negative force means that there is a compression force and a positive force means that there is a tension force. Now let’s take a look at point B. 700 N 500 N 2m E D C B A 800N 400N 577 N B 60Â ° TBC TBD 400 N Sum of FX= TBD + TBC Cos 60 +577 Cos 60 = 0 Sum of FY = -400 N + 577 Sin 60 – TBC Sin 60 = 0Once again, solving the two equations TBC = 115 N and TBD = -346 N If we calculated the rest of the forces acting on the various points of out truss, we will see that there is mixture of both compression and tension forces and that these forces are spread out across the truss. When I am going to test the maximum force of my paper truss bridge, I have calculated that it should hold 5 kilograms with no problems and probably will even get up to 10 kilograms. My bridge weighs about 55 grams so my bridge should have a strength-to-weight ratio of over 90, which is very good and if I can get it to hold 10 kilograms it will be wonderful.Once we hit the maximum load we are going to see my bridge come to a crashing end. My crash will be due to over loading, but there is many more reason why bridges come to crashing ends. Some of the more common ones are overloading, collisions that cause damage to the bridge, poor construction, and wear and tear. There are many other things that could make a bridge fail but they get particular, like a bolt in a joint rusting out causing the whole structure to become unsound. Overall we have learned the physics that it takes to keep truss bridges stands, which is a lot.We also came to understand that there is a lot of tension and compression in a truss bridge and that it is a key component of the bridge even though you can’t really see it happening. Plus how bridges will eventually come to a crashing end and what cause them too and hopefully that what we will see happen to my bridge when I demonstrate it in class.Bibliography Boon, Garrett. Model Bridge design. 2010. 30 11 2010 . Britannica, Encyclopeadia. truss bridge. 2010. 31 12 2010 . Buzzle. com intelligent life on the web. 2009. 31 11 2010 . Donan Engineering. 2010. 29 11 2010 . Serway, vuille. College Physics. belmont, CA: brooks/cole, 2009.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Budgettting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Budgettting - Assignment Example That is; the key members involved in the project did estimate the costs related to materials, equipments, utilities, and resources needed to perform the required to complete the Germantown tree planting activity. The cost estimates of this project was done basing on a vendor bid analysis, where the receptive bids from skilled and qualified vendors provided the baseline cost estimate for every particular component integrated with the budget. Nevertheless, these costs estimate will be refined during the course of the project to include any additional details as it becomes available. The direct costs include the costs that are related to the project. These costs include cost incurred while buying tree seedling, supplies such as fertilizers and planting shovels. These costs account to more than a half of the budget spending. Indirect costs include costs that enable successful completion of the project. For instance, the personnel will require utilities such as water during the event. The tree planting exercise will call upon the outsiders and they will be given refreshments hence adding to the cost of the project. The cost associated with the promotion and advertising will be indirect costs to the project. In the variable costs changes with the level of activity being undertaken, one of the variable costs is the cost of the personnel. The more personnel turn for the activity, the higher the costs that will be incurred during the event. Similarly, the more the costs of food will tend to be higher hence making the cost of the budget to be higher. In such a program, the theme touches on a global phenomenal: Climate change. If the organization applied for grants, the application has a higher chance of being successful. Some of the organization that provides likelihood for sponsoring the project includes, United Nations Environmental Program, World Forest Service, Food and Agriculture

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Zero pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zero pollution - Research Paper Example In this technological world, there are many techniques that can be used to prevent pollutants from getting into the atmosphere (Nemerow, 1995). However, the big question remains whether this hi-tech technology can be used to ensure that there is zero pollution in the world. This paper sets out to determine how different industries prevent environmental pollution. I will also discuss the feasibility of zero pollution concepts in this paper. The question of whether the world can exist with a state of zero pollution is one that has elicited a lot of reaction from different quarters. Many people might say that the level of pollution has risen to unmanageable levels which implies that such a state is only imaginary. It is known, for example, that the United States of America is the world’s largest energy consumer, most of its energy being derived from sources that are considered to be dirty. Some of these sources include natural gas, coal, oil, and nuclear energy, all of which lead to environmental pollution in one way or another. A significant portion of the energy used worldwide ends up being wasted through leaky windows, inefficient equipment or in one way or another. This wasted energy may also contribute to the pollution of the global environment. Other people have, against all odds, noted that zero pollution is achievable albeit at a significant cost and with considerable effort. Different pollutants of the environments can pollute the air, soil or water. The industrial sector is one of the most notorious polluters of the environment. Most manufacturing, mining and utility industries normally emit toxic substances which end up choking the environment as noted by McKinney, Schoch and Yonavjak (2007). Pollution from different industries has led to global warming, which has in turn had a huge impact on climate change. However, different countries and organizations have been at the forefront

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 59

Case study - Essay Example Unfortunately, the urban employment opportunities could only absorb a small section of the unemployed population. At the same time, the mining and demand for labor in the rural agricultural sector increased. The mining industry, involving companies like Shell and Texaco could only take contribute little to employment rates despite the revenue obtained from the sector. The relief to the employment status in the country was witnessed with the rise in industrialization, manufacturing, and politics. Manufacturing and government jobs became a source of employment for the skilled and educated people in the population. This caused a considerable decrease in unemployment rates from 15% to 9.9% in 1973. This was however to increase with economic challenge to a maximum of 20% in 1990. From this time, government efforts served to diversify the economy and reduce the rates. Unemployment rate is the measure of the proportion of employable people in the population who have lost their jobs or are unsuccessful in seeking jobs. The rate is an important indicator of economic productivity of a country (Dwivedi, 2001). A country that has a large number of people willing to work but cannot secure employment cannot realize its economic possibilities. In addition, high unemployment rate indicates poor economic wellbeing of the population. There are three major types of unemployment. First, there is the frictional unemployment. This refers to the proportion of people who are seeking suitable jobs. This means that they can at least secure jobs, but they are unemployed seeking better jobs. Secondly, there is cyclical unemployment. In this case, the unemployment rate increases with recession and decreases with the expansion in the business cycle. People are laid-off from companies and businesses during the recession and become unemployed. The third type of unemployment is structural unemployment. This happens when there is a mismatch

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Heart Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Heart Failure - Essay Example Heart failure is a long-term chronic condition that is diagnosed when the heart fails to pump enough fresh oxygen-rich blood. Emphasising this perception, the study will critique the research conducted by Korajkic, Poole, MacFarlane, Bergin & Dooley (2011) assessing their justification to all the consequences and implementations of pharmacist intervention on ambulatory heart patients. A critical assessment will also be conducted based on the research projecting the ethical norms of human participants. Notably, Korajkic et al. (2011: 126) concludes that there are â€Å"significant differences between† the groups when concerning pharmaceutical doses, which relate to heart failure-related knowledge as well as understanding, which will also be discussed in the following report. Nevertheless, the reviewing also notes that in order to enhance the relevance of the report, approval was obtained from Alfred Human Research Ethics Committee and Monash University Human Research Ethics Com mittee but lacking any further information about obtaining free consents from the human participants. This certainly increases the validity of the inference drawn in the article that the pharmaceutical interventions developed the capability of patients concerning heart failure to self-adjust its diuretic dosage by using a flexible dosing schedule based on patient’s weight, resulting in worth of life enhancement and a decrease in hospital readmission due to overload (Korajkic et al., 2011).

Friday, October 4, 2019

Finance Problem Solving Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance Problem Solving - Assignment Example Therefore, Amber has a net working capital of $200 and a current ratio of 1.20. This indicates that the company will be able to pay any short term obligations that arise unexpectedly due to some investment in the working capital. On the other hand, Barbie has no current assets, but has $600 worth of current liabilities. Therefore, Amber has a net working capital of negative $600 and a weak current ratio. This indicates that the company will not be able to pay any short term obligations that arise unexpectedly due to no investments in the working capital. Amber Barbie Current Assets $1,200 $0 Current Liabilities $1,000 $600 Net Working Capital $200 ($600) Current Ratio 1.20 0.00 Therefore, it is important for a corporation to invest some of its funds in the financing of the working capital. A company must be able to pay its creditor when payment becomes dues, and possess ample inventory and cash to ensure the smooth functioning of the company. Question 4 A firm achieves optimal level of working capital only when the constituents of the working capital achieve optimal position. The company must have a favorable level of inventory determined by the economic order quantity. It must work upon optimal lead times that ensure no shortfall and no excess inventory at any point in time. This will ensure minimum costs association with the inventory handling. Likewise, the company must forecast future cash inflows and outflows, risk tolerance and borrowing capability to ensure an optimal cash level. An excess surplus must be invested in short term securities, whereas a shortage must be immediately handled with an overdraft with the bank. Similarly, the company could determine its advantageous day’s sales outstanding which will allow it to make an effective policy toward the management of its receivables. (Brigham and Gapenski 1988) Question 6 The matching principle of the working capital financing states that the non-current assets and permanent current assets must b e financed by long term debt; whereas fluctuating current assets must be financed by short term debt. (Brigham and Gapenski 1988) For instance: A retail store balance sheet shows inventory, cash, account receivable and fixed assets. At any point in time, this store has a minimum amount of all current assets which becomes a part of the permanent current assets. Therefore, according to this matching principle, these permanent current assets and fixed assets are to be financed by long term debt. There is low cost associated with this technique as most of the assets are finance low interest long term debt. Likewise, it results in a higher profitability as interest expense is low in this strategy. It also provides the company with more liquidity and a better current ratio. (Brigham and Gapenski 1988) Problem 17-3 Company A Company B Current Assets $1,400 $960 Current Liabilities $900 $600 Net Working Capital $500 $360 Current Ratio 1.56 1.60 Company A appears to be more liquid as compare d to company B. This is because it has a higher net working capital. Even though company A has slightly lower current ratio, it holds more of its assets in the liquid form. Problem 17-6 a. Working Capital = $160 b. Net Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities Net Working Capital = $160 - $170 Net Working Capital = ($10) c. The company is following a very aggressive approach to working capital financing. This is indicated by a low net working capital; which shows that all of the current assets –

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Citizens Advice Service Essay Example for Free

Citizens Advice Service Essay Private sector means that the government does not control the ownership of a business; instead, members of the public control it. Different types of firms make up the private sector. These include sole traders, partnerships, limited companies and Public Limited Companies. Private-sectors firms are usually aiming to make a profit. Sole Trader A sole trader firm is the smallest firm from the category of private sector firms, consisting of only one owner and that owner does business in their own name. That owner has the control of the firm, and with this control, they must finance, organise and develop the firm. A typical example of a sole trader is the local corner shop, selling the essential grocery items. Advantages One main advantage is that these firms require little capital. Another advantage is that there is an incentive to work hard. This is because the firm is owned by one person, meaning that the owner must do most of the work themselves, including promote and finance the business. Therefore, if the owner wants their firm to succeed, they must work hard. If there is only one owner and possibly couple of staff in the firm, there will be regular customers known. With this relationship, customers will return repeatedly to the firm, therefore producing more sales. As there is only one owner, business decisions can be made quickly as there will not be other people interfering. Business decisions are vital for the firm to proceed, so the quicker a decision can be made, the quicker the outcome. This advantages the owner as the outcome can benefit their company. Disadvantages One disadvantage is it can be difficult to raise and find capital meaning that it is hard to start the business and to expand. Another disadvantage is that the sole trader has unlimited liability for all debts and the owner may have to sell personal possessions to meets the debts of their business. Illness is a disadvantage to a sole trader. If the owner is sick, the business may be closed for a time and money is not made to pay expenses that the owner has. Another disadvantage is the long hours may be necessary for the business to succeed. If the owner is not willing and determined to work long hours, the business will not succeed and this may produce debts. With sole traders, the success of the business relies on the skills of the owner. If the owner has no experience of running a business or business skills, this may cause the business to fail. Partnership A partnership firm is one with 2-20 owners and these owners share the responsibly of running the firm together as the control is divided up equally between the partners. An example of a business of the partnership type is a firm of doctors. Advantages As there are a number of people, more capital can be raised as all the partners contribute to the business. Each partner has their own skills and between them, the partners have more skills, ideas and knowledge than a single person does. Partners with different skills can specialise in their own areas and this increases the ranges of service that customers are offered. In a partnership, any problems Passive Voice (consider revising). Another advantage is regular customers will be known and these customers will return repeatedly to the firm, therefore producing more sales that advantage the firm. Disadvantages With partnerships, the partners have unlimited liability for all the debts. This could lead to the partners selling their personal possessions to help pay off the company’s debts. A main disadvantage is when a partner makes a mistake, that mistake affects all the partners and the firm. This is a disadvantage because a mistake can affect the running and the flow of the firm. The profits of the business must be shared. This can be a disadvantage because the partners may think that a person in the partnership should not get the same amount of money because it seems that they have not put as much work into the firm. This then creates conflict and affects the way the firm runs. Private Limited Company (Ltd) A private limited company has one or more owners, with the directors of the company elected by the shareholders. These directors control and have the responsibly of running the firm. An example of a private limited company could be a garage. Advantages There is limited liability as shareholders can lose only the amount they have invested into the firm, no matter how much money that firm owes. Shareholders contribute capital and there is no fixed amount. This is an advantage because as more shareholders invest money, whatever the amount, the more chance the firm is going to success and grow with the money. Private limited companies are protected from takeovers. This is because shares cannot be exchanged to other people unless all the shareholders agree. In addition, the members of the public cannot bring the shares. This is an advantage as this gives the owners of the firm direct control of the business.